Saturday, January 29, 2011

Artikel oleh En Fuad Latif-JPHBT

Ini Yang Benar

by Fuad Latip on Saturday, January 29, 2011 at 9:02pm

Sekadar bercerita tentang tasbih, tahmid dan takbir.

Kita selalu mengulang-ulang mengucapkan. Alhamdulillah ia cukup baik dan mudah-mudahan Allah SWT memberikan ganjaran pahala buat kita.

Saya ingin menceritakan sebuah cerita benar dari pengalaman sendiri yang mana tasbih, tahmid dan takbir diucapkan dengan penuh asli, datang dari jiwa yang sebenar sehingga terungkapkan tasbih, tahmid dan takbir.

Seorang teman yang berada di Johor menghantar SMS kepada saya apa yang beliau perlu lakukan di saat beliau berada di hospital. Isteri beliau mengalami sedikit masalah kesihatan.

Apakah ucapan zikir yang terbaik yang perlu dirinya lafazkan? Apakah doa yang terbaik untuk beliau mohonkan? inilah soalan yang diajukan kepada saya ketika beliau agak runsing dengan keadaan isteri beliau.

Lalu saya membalasnya secara langsung. Ilham mengalir terus di jiwa lalu fikiran menggerakkan jari-jari menaip butang-butang handphone membalas SMS.

Saya tidak mengajar beliau ucapan zikir yang mana, doa yang mana. Saya katakan, cuba lihat manusia yang lalu di sana. Mereka sedang berjalan ke sana sini. Semua itu sedang digerakkan oleh Allah SWT. Semuanya mengikut kehendak Allah.

DAN SEDARILAH ALLAH SEDANG MELIPUTI SEMUANYA. Tidak ada yang engkar, tidak ada yang tidak mahu. Semuanya sedang mengikut kehendak Allah. Lihatlah Allah di sana. Lihatlah... sedar kepadaNya.

Beliau membalas... mudahnya... begitu sahaja ke? tidak perlu ucapan zikir? Tidak perlu berdoa?

Saya membalasnya lagi. Ya... lakukan dahulu. Nanti saudara akan tahu sendiri.

Ketika beliau melakukan begitu.... lalu beliau sedar adanya Allah.... sedar kepadaNya... sendirinya terpancul dari mulut beliau... SUBHANALLAH.... ALHAMDULILLAH.... ALLAHUAKBAR....

Nah!!! inilah yang asli. Ucapan yang sangat benar. Ucapan yang sangat jujur memuji Allah. Ucapan yang keluar sendiri.

Semuanya itu benar-benar dari jiwa ketika sedang melihat bukan sekadar kuasa Allah tetapi beliau melihat sendiri adanya Allah SWT yang sedang meliputi. Sendiri merasakan terus. Ucapan itu hanyalah membenarkan apa yang dirasakan oleh jiwa. Ucapan itu sekadar bukti apa yang dialaminya saat itu.

Terasa sungguh Maha Suci Allah. Bergetar pujian Allah. Tidak mampu lagi menyatakan selain Maha Besar Allah.

Saya menerima kembali SMS beliau.... En Fuad.... terima kasih. Terlalu mudah untuk sedar ke Allah sebenarnya.

Sekadar perkongsian.

Fuad Latip
Jiwa Positif Hidup BerTuhan
29 Jan 201

Foods that Promote Happiness

Foods that Promote Happiness

If you’re feeling as blue as the skies above, you will be happy to know that a few spoonfuls of the right foods may turn that frown upside down! Whole foods contain vital nutrients that provide both physical and psychological benefits. Read on to discover which foods contain those mood-boosters to help you smile your way to longevity.
Fun with Folate
Eat folate-rich foods: Leafy greens like kale, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, turnip greens, bok choy, legumes, sunflower seeds, oranges, melons, beets, and fortified whole grains
Why? Folate, also know as folic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that is necessary for cell division, DNA synthesis, and healthy blood cell production. Research at the University of York and Hull York Medical School has found a link between depression and low levels of folate. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for men and women is 400 micrograms and 600 micrograms for pregnant women. To keep you smiling, increase your intake of folate-rich foods. A cup of cooked lentils provides 90% of the RDA of folic acid. Plus, the fiber and protein will satisfy you longer, stabilize blood sugar, and also promote a better mood. Additional bonuses: Folate can also decrease homocysteine, an amino acid that is linked to heart disease. Low levels of folate can cause anemia, while pregnant women must increase their folate levels to prevent fetal neural tube deficiencies.
Boost Your B6
Eat B6 foods: bananas, chicken breast, garlic, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, sunflower seeds, broccoli, red bell peppers, watermelon, avocados, and potatoes
Why? Vitamin B6 plays a role in red blood cell metabolism, protein metabolism, and synthesis of neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. It also helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels, and increases the amount of oxygen carried to your tissues. Low levels can lead to an increase of homocysteine, anemia, headaches, and depression. The RDA for adults from age 19 to 50 is 1.3 mg/day and approximately 1.6 mg for individuals over 50. The next time you’re feeling down, grab a banana and munch your blues away!
Go Fish!
Eat omega-3-rich foods: fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, and herring, flaxseeds, walnuts, and algae
Why? DHA omega-3 essential fatty acid maintains healthy brain function and is vital for fetal brain and eye development. Current research also demonstrates the association between intake of omega-3 fatty acids and depression. A meta-analysis study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry found that depression was significantly improved in patients with unipolar and bipolar disorders after taking three daily fish capsules for eight weeks. Eat the oily fish listed above -- a 3-ounce serving of salmon contains between 1.1 - 1.9 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. Supplementing with high quality fish oil capsules may be an alternative if you don’t consume fish on a regular basis. Vegetarian sources of omega-3 can be found in flaxseeds, walnuts, and algae. Toss a tablespoon of sunflower seeds or walnuts into a creamy cup of unsweetened low-fat yogurt for a mega mood boost!
Good Carbs, Bad Carbs
Eat good carbs: whole grains, fruits, vegetables
Why? Not all carbohydrates are created equal. Whole grains, fruits, and veggies supply us with prolonged energy, fiber, and multiple nutrients that our bodies need for optimal health. Good quality carbohydrates can also trigger serotonin synthesis. Recognized as the “happy hormone,” serotonin is an important neurotransmitter that affects our mood and sleep. The next time you feel blue, instead of reaching for that bag of chips or sugary cookies, opt for unrefined, unprocessed carbohydrates that will provide you with sustained energy and an improved mood. Toss that muffin and enjoy a whole grain cracker with a tablespoon of natural nut butter for a delicious and uplifting snack!
You can find many more ways to live to 100 in Secrets of Longevity: Hundreds of Ways to Live to Be 100, which is now available on Kindle. Also, check out my new book Secrets of Longevity 8-Week Program, a journal that offers the best healthy habits to live to 100.
You can find many more ways to live to 100 in Secrets of Longevity: Hundreds of Ways to Live to Be 100, which is now available on Kindle. Also, check out my new book Secrets of Longevity 8-Week Program, a journal that offers the best healthy habits to live to 100.
I hope you eat foods for many long, happy years. I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.
May you live long, live strong, and live happy!
—Dr. Mao
This blog is meant to educate, but it should not be used as a substitute for personal medical advice. The reader should consult his or her physician or clinician for specific information concerning specific medical conditions. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all information presented is accurate, as research and development in the medical field is ongoing, it is possible that new findings may supersede some data presented.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Utusan Malaysia Online - Jenayah

Utusan Malaysia Online - Jenayah

Penipuan Internet: Tiga rakyat tempatan rugi RM567,230

LABUAN 27 Jan. - Tiga rakyat tempatan termasuk dua wanita rugi RM567,230 didakwa ditipu kenalan yang dikenali dalam laman web sosial Facebook dan blog yang merupakan kes pertama di pulau itu.
Ketua Polis Labuan, Penguasa Saiman Kasran berkata, dua wanita yang terbabit merupakan seorang jururawat dan seorang penasihat institut pengajian tinggi kerugian, sementara seorang lelaki merupakan kakitangan kerajaan.
"Jururawat itu ditipu RM430,000 pada 18 November tahun lepas, kaunselor itu ditipu RM130,430 pada 21 Januari lalu dan penjawat awam pula kerugian RM6,800 pada 22 Januari lepas," katanya di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata, modus operandi penipuan itu memakan masa hampir setahun dengan menggunakan taktik pujuk rayu sehingga mangsa tanpa berfikir panjang memasukkan jumlah duit yang agar besar ke dalam akaun kenalan mereka ini.
Sebaik menerima wang itu, katanya, kenalan baru mereka itu terus menghilangkan diri.
Beliau berkata, unit khas polis Labuan kini sedang mengesan pemegang akaun tersebut bagi membolehkan identiti dalang sindiket itu dikenal pasti. - BERNAMA

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

TripAdvisor's 2011 Top 10 Dirtiest Hotels

TripAdvisor's 2011 Top 10 Dirtiest Hotels

Satu laman web trip advisor list down hotel paling kotoq ikut benua. Guess what? 2 hotel Malaysia pun masuk..huhu...nak tau klik la kat link tu..nanti kena saman pulak kalau list kat sini.

    'The King's Speech' wins most Oscar nominations - Yahoo! Malaysia News

    'The King's Speech' wins most Oscar nominations - Yahoo! Malaysia News

    BEVERLY HILLS, California (AFP) - – British historical drama "The King's Speech" won the most Oscar nominations on Tuesday with 12 nods for the film industry's top honors, ahead of "True Grit," with 10.
    Facebook movie "The Social Network," which had been tipped for top nominations, got eight nominations along with "Inception," for the 83rd annual Academy Awards to be held February 27.
    "The King's Speech," starring Colin Firth as King George VI struggling to overcome a stammer, was a relative latecomer to the Oscars race, and scored a relatively disappointing sole Golden Globes award earlier this month.
    Firth, who won the Golden Globe for his performance in the under-stated British movie, is widely tipped for a best actor at the Oscars show next month, the climax of Hollywood's annual awards season.
    The 10 films nominated for best picture Oscar were: "Black Swan," "The Fighter," "Inception," "The Kids Are All Right," "The King's Speech," "127 Hours," "The Social Network," "Toy Story 3," "True Grit," and "Winter's Bone."
    The five nominees for best actor were: Javier Bardem for "Biutiful," Jeff Bridges in "True Grit," Jesse Eisenberg in "The Social Network," Firth in "The King's Speech" and James Franco in "127 Hours."
    Best actress nods went to Annette Bening in "The Kids Are All Right," Nicole Kidman in "Rabbit Hole," Jennifer Lawrence in "Winter's Bone," Natalie Portman in "Black Swan" and Michelle Williams in "Blue Valentine."

    Kungfu star Jet Li confirms he is now Singaporean - Yahoo! Singapore Finance

    Kungfu star Jet Li confirms he is now Singaporean - Yahoo! Singapore Finance

    Chinese kungfu superstar Jet Li publicly confirmed Tuesday that he had become a Singaporean citizen, saying he wanted his children to receive a bilingual education in the city-state.
    Li -- whose film accolades include Hollywood blockbusters "The Expendables" and "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" -- said his decision was also influenced by the absence of paparazzi in the strict island-republic.
    "My children can have good bilingual education with social stability, and my children will not be harassed by journalists and reporters," he said in Mandarin.
    Li, who was in Singapore to attend a philanthropy conference, also expressed amusement at the massive public interest in his latest migration.
    "This is funny because I have been holding a US passport and staying in the United States for 20 years, nobody said anything about it. Now I come to Singapore, everybody seems to be curious to know why I'm coming here," he said.
    The Beijing-born Li did not say whether he had renounced his US and Chinese nationalities, but Singapore law forbids citizens from holding dual passports.
    He said he decided to settle down in Singapore because of its security and education system, which places equal emphasis on the teaching of the English and Mandarin to its Chinese students.
    Singapore's other attractions for celebrities and other wealthy individuals from around the world include its reputation as one of Asia's safest cities and its low tax regime.
    Rumours of the film star settling down in Singapore and buying a Sg$20 million ($14 million) house in an upscale district surfaced in June 2009.
    He follows in the footsteps of leading Chinese actress Gong Li, who shot to fame with her roles in "Farewell My Concubine" and later "Memoirs of a Geisha."
    Gong Li, who is not related to Jet Li, became a Singapore citizen in 2008.
    In December 2004, Jet Li and his family had a brush with death as they were in a Maldives hotel which was flooded during the tsunami that swept across the Indian Ocean.
    Following that incident, he turned to philanthropy and started a charity called One Foundation, which aims to help victims of natural disasters.

    Dr M: Differences in teaching in foreign language vs learning foreign language - Yahoo! Malaysia News

    Dr M: Differences in teaching in foreign language vs learning foreign language - Yahoo! Malaysia News

    KUALA LUMPUR: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad says it is only in Malaysia where the government allows and pays for schools which use a foreign language for teaching in schools meant for a community whose ancestors came from a foreign country.
    In the latest posting on his blog on Monday, Jan 24, the former prime minister said there was a difference between teaching in a foreign language and learning and speaking a foreign language.
    He was elaborating on his interview by Nanyang Siang Pau on the issue after a newspaper reader claimed Dr Mahathir was wrong because in many countries the Chinese language is taught and are spoken.
    May I point out that there is a difference between teaching in a foreign language and learning (and speaking) a foreign language.
    I was referring to teaching (medium of instruction) in a foreign language not learning a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is usually not only permissible but encouraged, he said.
    Dr Mahathir said the claim that in Thailand there are schools which use Chinese as the medium of teaching was not correct.
    He said there were international schools which do not use the Thai national language but they were not funded by the Government. Similar international schools to cater for expatriates are found in many countries including in Malaysia.
    Some nationals also go to these schools. But they are not like the Chinese and Tamil schools in Malaysia which are government funded schools, he said.
    Dr Mahathir said even in Singapore there are no government funded schools where the medium of instruction was Chinese or Tamil.
    However, the students must learn another language other than English, which was the medium of teaching in Singapore.
    Incidentally the policy of the Singapore Government to use English as a teaching medium rather than Malay, Chinese or Tamil has not resulted in it being accused of being anti-Chinese, anti-Tamil or anti-Malay.
    Nationally the national language of predominantly Chinese Singapore is Malay but Chinese, Tamil and English are also official languages which are taught and may be used instead of English, he said.

    Fit to Post – Yahoo! Singapore's blog » Blog Archive Why slow, long workouts may be counter-productive «

    Fit to Post – Yahoo! Singapore's blog » Blog Archive Why slow, long workouts may be counter-productive «

    Short, sharp bursts of activity have proven to be more effective than long, drawn-out exercise. (File photo)

    In my previous post, we talked about nutrition and the role it plays in helping you get the most from your exercise program.

    But what if the exercise you are doing is part of the problem? That is what we’ll be looking at in this post.

    First of all, I would like to say that probably any exercise done for 30 minutes a day is better than nothing. But most of you have time consuming responsibilities like family, social or work/study commitments. This means that we need to be brutally efficient with our exercise programs. Maximum benefit, minimum time.

    The only way to maximize your exercise benefits is to do the exercise that works for you even after you have left the gym. It would be like investing your money in a high rental yield property — it just keeps paying you back.

    Unfortunately, the exercise that most people choose is long slow cardio exercise such as jogging, swimming or hours on the treadmill, bike, or elliptical trainer.

    This kind of exercise burns mostly fat during the exercise. Which seems like a good idea, but actually INCREASES the chances of your body storing fat in the long run. In general, the body considers long, slow activity the same as “being lost in the jungle” which means it is best to store AS MUCH fat as possible to stay alive!

    This is great if we are indeed lacking food, and indeed lost in the jungle. But in Singapore, we have an abundance of food, are not lost in the jungle and unfortunately, many of use already have more than enough body-fat!

    Lots of bad stuff happens inside you when you do excess amounts of long distance cardio. After all, look at the people at a marathon. Many of them are fat and have average or unimpressive physiques despite hours and hours of cardio exercise.

    Here are three main reasons why:

    1) Cardio increases the amount of stress hormones you produce, and when your body is in “lost in the jungle stress mode” you store more fat, hurt your immune system, and damage just about everything from digestive system, to reproductive system. In the long run, this leads to symptoms of “adrenal fatigue” which means that your stress glands are worn out from making all those stress hormones. These symptoms include things like… tiredness, allergies, reduced short term memory, sleep difficulties, and difficulty losing weight despite hard work!

    2) Cardio decreases the amount of muscle building hormones you have and in fact tells your body to burn off that lovely firm muscle because muscles use calories and less energy using muscle is what you want if in order to stay alive a long time in the jungle.

    3) Cardio does use fat while it is being done, that is why many people who hear this, choose to do cardio. However they fail to realize that your body actually burns lots of amino acids when doing cardio and it gets those amino acids from… your lovely firm muscles! So you are “cannibalizing” yourself to fuel long jogs.

    “Whoa, all this sounds bad Coach, what should I do?”

    Well, if you LOVE running and it is how you wind down, relax or even catch up with friends, then go ahead and do some. 15 mins, 3 times a week is probably not bad for you.

    But if your time is limited, and you want results fast, here’s what I recommend: 45 mins of properly designed resistance training done three to four times a week is the easiest way to burn fat. A qualified personal trainer should be able to help you with this.

    Ideally, it should be customized for your level of flexibility, hormone profile, and current/past injuries. It saves time, it’s challenging, and it works.

    If you do proper, fat burning resistance training four times per week, and eat a “caveman” style nutrition plan, most people should get optimum results. In fact a 2010 study at McMaster University in Canada showed that 10 x 1min cycling sprints worked as well for fitness and fat burning as 10 hours of conventional, moderate speed cycling! This kind of training has many more benefits, and none of the disadvantages of cardio listed above.

    And you save time, which is what almost everybody in Singapore wants.

    While there are many more advanced methods of interval training that I use with competitive athletes at our fitness center, here is one that should work for most people (assuming you have no orthopedic/joint issues, and no cardiovascular/heart conditions).

    Because everybody is at different fitness levels, we shall use “perceived exertion” (PE) as the gauge of how hard to push yourself. It is a scale from 1 to 10.

    • PE 1 - walking along the beach with your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse
    • PE 3 – very brisk walk/slow jog
    • PE 8 – fast striding run
    • PE 10 - being chased by a pack of hungry wild dogs

    Get the idea? Now try this… (can be done by running, swimming, climbing stairs, biking etc in fact a variety is good to prevent overuse injuries), use a wristwatch to time yourself. The 1 minute at PE 8 never felt so long, and the 1 min rests at PE 3 never felt so short!

    • 3 mins at PE 3 to warm up
    • 1 min at PE 6 to get going
    • 1 min at PE 3
    • 1 min at PE 7-8
    • 1 min at PE 3
    • 1 min at PE 8
    • 3 min at PE 3 to cool down

    That’s enough for a first time. If you really did get to PE 8 (fast striding run) you should feel pretty worn out already… and you took a grand total of about 11 minutes of activity.

    You can increase the number of sets of 1 minute at PE 8, followed by a minute at PE 3 as the weeks go by. I would build up to 8 sets of PE 8.

    Once you get fitter, you will know you are pushing yourself when halfway through the workout, you feel like you may not make it all the way to the end!

    That is what I call exercise. Both a proper resistance training program and an interval training program can elevate your metabolism for many hours even after the exercise is over, burning way more calories in the long run. This is the smart investment I was talking about at the start of the article. It literally is burning fat while you sleep!

    But take note — build up to this over the course of several weeks.

    There you have it. Cut out long, slow cardio. Do some intervals, do some resistance training and eat “caveman style”. Have fun in your workouts!


    • A more technical explanation of whats going on inside that uses so many calories during recovery from intervals or resistance training on my website here
    • The best book I have found about adrenal fatigue is by an adrenal specialist doctor. Dr James Wilson. The book is called “Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome” It is easy to read, and has good steps to improve your health. I use many of his recommendations with my clients.

    myMetro | Makin ramai mati!

    myMetro | Makin ramai mati!

    PUTRAJAYA: Gejala demam denggi di seluruh negara semakin menuntut kerjasama orang ramai bagi memeranginya apabila kadar kes demam denggi semakin meningkat selari dengan peningkatan kes yang membabitkan kematian pada tahun lalu.

    Kebimbangan itu dibuktikan dengan peningkatan kes demam denggi dari 46,171 kes membabitkan 134 kematian pada tahun lalu berbanding 41,486 kes dengan 88 kematian pada 2009 Timbalan Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin (gambar), berkata peningkatan jumlah kes dan tambahan 46 kematian pada tahun lalu memang membimbangkan.

    Beliau berkata, berdasarkan perangkaan, 10 negeri turut mencatatkan peningkatan kes kematian pada tahun lalu dan ia membabitkan Kelantan sebanyak 10 kematian; Johor (9), Melaka dan Sarawak (7) dan Pulau Pinang (6).

    “Bukan itu saja, Kedah, Perak, Pahang dan Terengganu meningkat tiga kematian diikuti Negeri Sembilan satu kematian,” katanya pada sidang media selepas merasmikan Pertandingan Anti-Aedes Renjer Ridsect peringkat sekolah Wilayah Persekutuan, Selangor dan Johor di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Putrajaya Presint 14 (1), di sini, semalam.

    Pertandingan itu membabitkan peserta dari 100 sekolah menengah yang ditugaskan melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap 100,000 rumah di tempat mereka di samping menasihati orang ramai mengenai bahaya nyamuk aedes.

    “Bagi kematian kes denggi pula, sebanyak 15 daripada 134 kematian membabitkan pelajar iaitu tujuh kematian membabitkan pelajar sekolah menengah dan lapan kematian bagi pelajar sekolah rendah,” katanya.

    10 Easy Ways to Become a Better Person

    Making a change in the world can be an easy part of your everyday life. Here are 10 ways you can make a difference. From Most Good, Least Harm: A Simple Principle for a Better World and Meaningful Life by Zoe Weil
    1.    Commit to the 3 I’s: Inquire, Introspect, live with Integrity. Expose yourself to information and ideas about most good (MOGO) living by talking to and learning from people from all walks of life -- especially people who are also trying to do the most good and the least harm; by reading widely and deeply; by visiting websites aimed at making a difference; and by viewing relevant films. You can find a list of regularly updated websites, books, magazines, and films in the resources section at Then introspect: identify your values, consider what is most important to you, assess your talents and interests, and seek out ways to put these together practically and productively. Finally, live with integrity. To the best of your ability, put your values into practice.
    2.    Work for change. Give some of your time, resources, and talents to create systemic change that benefits all. Choose the issues that most concern and compel you, get involved, and relish the joy that such generosity brings to yourself and others. If you can, make your career one that is MOGO.
    3.    Rethink, Reuse, Repair, and Recycle. As much as possible, rethink your use of products that are unnecessary, inhumane, produced through exploitive business practices, non-recyclable, over-packaged, toxic, and/or unsustainable. When you do make purchases, choose the most sustainable, efficient, humane, fairly traded, and healthy versions. Then reuse what you can, repair what is reparable, and recycle when you are through. And in the midst of these 4 Rs, consider what you could borrow instead of buy, and what you could share with friends and neighbors so that they can better rethink unnecessary products, too.
    4.    Eat for life. As much as possible, choose plant-based foods produced close to where you live, grown organically, and unprocessed. This will improve your health, the environment, the lives of animals, and the wellbeing of other people.
    5.    Reduce your ecological footprint. Drive less, carpool, walk, bike, car-share, and use public transportation more. If you need to own a car, choose one with the best fuel efficiency to meet your needs. Choose the most energy efficient and ecologically friendly options for homes, home repair, appliances, lighting, heating, and cooling. Choose your recreation and vacations with MOGO in mind as well: an ecotourism excursion over a cruise; cross-country skiing instead of downhill skiing; canoeing more often than motor boating.
    6.    Transform education. People need relevant information, tools for critical thinking, and motivation to lead meaningful lives that contribute to a better world. Whether you are a parent, student, teacher, elder, or concerned citizen, help make living sustainably and peacefully the very purpose of education at all levels by engaging in dialogue with lawmakers, educators, and school and university administrators.
    7.    Invest your money ethically. If you are going to rely on a mutual fund for retirement or college, choose a socially responsible investment fund. Ask for a portfolio and assess whether the company invests in the kinds of businesses you want to support. Seek out community banks and credit unions, and consider micro-lending and investment in social businesses as a means of using your money to help others.
    8.    Build community. Find others who share your desire to make MOGO choices by joining existing groups or creating your own group, and invite people to join you. You will enjoy the friendship and camaraderie, and help make a difference at the same time. Don’t forget the communities of which you are already a part. Get to know your neighbors, and work with them to make your neighborhood healthy, supportive, and safe.
    9.    Teach others. Share what you know with others and engage them in the challenge of living a MOGO life by using positive communication that does not judge or blame. Listen as often as you speak. Teaching and learning happen everywhere: one on one, in schools, in religious congregations, at camps, in families, in print and film, at learning centers, on social networking internet sites, at senior facilities, and so on. Model your message, and speak your truth in kind and inspiring ways wherever you are and with whomever you’re in contact.
    10.    Strive for balance. Set reasonable goals for yourself, and remember that the “most good, least harm” equation includes you. You are a role model for a MOGO life, so find the balance that lets you live joyfully, enthusiastically, and compassionately.
    Zoe Weil, author of Most Good, Least Harm: A Simple Principle for a Better World and Meaningful Life(Copyright © 2009 by Zoe Weil), is the co-founder and president of the Institute for Humane Education. She created the first M.Ed degree and certificate programs in humane education in the United States. Zoe leads MOGO and humane education workshops throughout the Unite States and Canada. She lives in coastal Maine. Visit for information on workshops and presentations.

    Making Yourself Nearly Invisible on Facebook

    Stealth Mode: Making Yourself Nearly Invisible on Facebook

    by Nicholas Jackson
    Tuesday, January 25,2011
    provided by
    Q: Growing tired of the Facebook privacy scandals, I tried to leave the social network, but you need to be a member now to access a number of outside websites. How can I get around this?
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    A: Facebook, as you're well aware by this point, has a history of privacy scandals. CEO Mark Zuckerberg is constantly trying to push what privacy means in the 21st century — how transparent should we all be on the Internet? — but with each step, a significant number of users push back. Last week, Facebook announced on its Developers blog that it was making it possible for third-party applications to gain access to users' mobile phone numbers and addresses. By early Monday morning the Facebook team had dialed back the change until further notice.
    Some of the privacy issues have been just too much for users, resulting in cancelled accounts. But more and more organizations are joining the Facebook Connect network and incorporating the site's development tools into their own. It's getting to the point where you're at a disadvantage if you don't have a Facebook account; you can use it to log in with the same username and password on more than two million sites — it's not just for checking in on your cousin's newest baby pictures. So, here's the trick: You can go nearly invisible on Facebook — nobody will be able to view your photographs, see your activity or where you've checked in except for existing friends — but still have an account to use around the web.
    If you're ready to move into Facebook stealth mode, follow these simple steps:
    • Visit, log in to your profile and click 'Account' in the top-right corner. From there, choose 'Privacy Settings.'
    • From the 'Privacy Settings' page, click on 'View Settings' to see who can search for you, send messages to your account, see your education and work settings and more. Change all of these drop-down menus to 'Friends Only.'
    • Return to the 'Privacy Settings' page and choose 'Customize Settings' near the bottom of the page. This new page will load a number of different privacy options, but you'll want to click through each one and change the setting to 'Only Me' so that nobody else can see your Facebook activity.
    • Stay on the 'Customize Settings' page and scroll down to 'Things Others Share.' Here, you'll want to edit and disable settings so that your friends are unable to write on your wall, comment on posts and check you in to places.
    • Return to the 'Privacy Settings' page and, under 'Apps and Websites' in the bottom-left corner, select 'Edit Your Settings.' This page shows all of the third-party websites and applications that you have given access to some of your Facebook information. If you see anything on this list that you want to remove, just click to remove it from the list.
    • Stay on the 'Apps and Websites' page, scroll down to 'Instant Personalization' and select 'Edit Settings.' Uncheck the box at the bottom of this page to block other websites from accessing your Facebook interests. Select 'Confirm' when a pop-up asks you if you're sure you want to disable this option.
    • Return to the 'Apps and Websites' page, scroll down to 'Public Search' and select 'Edit Settings.' To keep search engines from finding your Facebook profile, uncheck the box on this new screen.