Saturday, February 26, 2011

Menteri nafi barang kawalan naik selepas pilihan raya


TEMERLOH: Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, berkata harga barang kawalan seperti beras, gula dan minyak masak tidak dipengaruhi faktor pilihan raya kecil seperti didakwa pembangkang. 

Berikutan itu, beliau menyangkal tohmahan kononnya pelbagai harga barang kawalan akan meningkat sebaik saja tamat pilihan raya kecil Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Kerdau dan DUN Merlimau pada 6 Mac ini.
“Pembangkang boleh janji mereka akan turunkan harga barang jika menang, tetapi saya yakin mereka tidak boleh melakukannya. Di negeri pembangkang, mereka boleh menurunkan harga beberapa perkara yang dikawal sendiri seperti cukai pintu, tetapi ia tidak dilakukan.“Sebaliknya, ada cukai pintu di Selangor yang sudah dinaikkan,” katanya pada program Lawatan Rumah Ke Rumah di Kuala Tekal, Kerdau, di sini petang semalam.

- kalau ikut pengalaman terbaru la..minyak macam naik 5 det ( 5 sen) lepas pilihanraya tenang .hmmm.

cukai dalam diam..

senarai cukai yang sedar tak sedor aku bayor...
cukai beli kereta...
cukai tgk astro 6.00 sbln
cukai makan secret resepi 3 potong kek - 2.00
cukai tgk wayang
cukai makan kfc
cukai makan mamak
cukai main boling

akan update lagi...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Macam-macam: Ais krim susu ibu mula dijual


LONDON: Ais krim berperisa susu manusia mula dijual di sebuah restoran baru di London. 

Dengan harga £14 (RM70) yang dipanggil Baby Gaga, ia boleh didapati di restoran Icereamists di Covent Garden.
Susu manusia dari penderma berkenaan diadun dengan perisa vanila Madagascar dan kulit lemon berkenaan kemudian dijadikan ais krim.Pengasasnya, Matt O’Connor berkata: “Baby Gaga ini amat berkrim. Tiada siapa yang melakukan sesuatu yang menarik dengan ais krim sejak 100 tahun lalu.” – Agensi 



Four Tips to Draw Traffic to your Web Site

Four Tips to Draw Traffic to your Web Site

Now that the Internet is used by roughly 70 percent of all Americans, just about everyone has a site or two they log on to regularly. Aside from search engines, some of the most popular sites on the Web today include eBay,, Google and MSNBC. Google, for example, generates millions of page views each month.
So what is it about these sites that draw such huge crowds? One secret lies in constantly evolving content. Internet users feel the need to check back throughout the day because new auctions will be added to eBay; will offer new products and sales; and MSNBC will add and update news stories. Many local newspapers and television stations around the country are on the bandwagon too, staffed with online editors who keep their sites updated throughout the day.

But the majority of sites don't have the luxury of extra staffing or content to update. So what can they do to draw traffic? Webmasters have four key strategies at their disposal: search engines, traffic networks, links and articles. The best webmasters incorporate all four of these methods to increase traffic to their sites.


Offering quality content on your site is one of the easiest ways to draw traffic, particularly because of the way Web searches work. For example, if your site's purpose is to sell tools, don't just post your items and hope they sell. Provide your users with articles that give them helpful tips on how to use your products, and valuable information on related topics within your industry. Original content is great, but you don't have to generate the material yourself.
One popular option is to sign up for a free membership with Content Infusion, a syndicated feature article service that offers copyright-free articles on a variety of topics, including home improvement, business and careers, money and personal finance, gardening, food and entertainment and healthy living. All articles and photos are free of charge.
Interested webmasters can log onto and sign up for a free membership. After selecting the categories that best fit their site, they can customize the articles so that they match the look and feel of their existing site. Webmasters then can copy and paste the HTML, JavaScript or XML code into their site, and they're all set. Fresh content will continually populate their site with no additional maintenance.
"We have hundreds of articles in more than a dozen topic areas available," says Josh Madigan, product manager of Content Infusion. "The beauty of the service is you can pick and choose which categories are most appropriate for your site. Older articles are automatically removed, and new ones are added each week."

Search Engines

Getting your site recognized by the major search engines is another good step to take. The first thing you should do is make sure your site is search engine optimized, meaning the pages contain keyword rich titles and text. A good title contains the most relevant keywords, describes what your site is about, and is less than 80 characters long. Keywords should also appear within the body of the text, but don't overdo it. The search engines will penalize you for excessive key wording. Once you think your site is ready, submit your site address or URL to the top search engines and directories on the Web: Google, Yahoo and Netscape, and in no time, traffic will likely pick up.

Traffic Networks

Another way to bring people to your site is by joining a traffic network like Traffic Swarm. All you have to do to join is log on to , enter some basic information about the site or sites you want to promote -- a Category, the URL, a Title, and a Description, and the information will be used to generate targeted links to your site, which are then displayed throughout the Traffic Swarm network. A basic listing on this network is free. The beauty of traffic networks is that they bring traffic that is targeted to your primary audience.

Adding Links

Adding links to your site is another way to grow your traffic. Some webmasters simply search the web and then e-mail related sites asking for a link swap, but this method can be time consuming. An easier way to do it is to search for web directories with similar businesses already onboard and join. Some sites will charge a fee for the privilege, but the majority of them are free.
"A Website's ability to target and capture an audience is crucial to its success. It is audience retention that gives you a forum to further market, sell to and communicate with members of the community you've created," adds Madigan.
To sign up for the free service offered by Content Infusion, log on to and follow the prompts.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

4 Mistakes Everyone Makes When Fighting Ab Flab

By Lucy Danziger and the staff at SELF
Feb 17, 2011
There are a lot of things you can do to help melt stubborn belly fat that probably won't come as a surprise to you—you know, the typical cut-calories, get-regular-cardiovascular-exercise type of advice. But what you don't do can be just as key to finally achieving that firm, flat tummy. Get to know these sneaky belly bulgers so you can steer clear of them and trim inches off your waistline fast.

Parking in front of the TV 
The occasional DVR-athon can be just what the doctor ordered, but people who tuned in for two or more hours daily had weaker ab and back muscles (by up to 10 percent) than those who viewed less than two hours, regardless of their overall activity level, researchers from the University of Oulu note. An hour of tube time is fine, especially if it motivates you to hit the gym. Schedule your workout to coincide with your favorite dramedy or reality show, and then tune in while you log some miles on the treadmill, elliptical or stationary bike.

Stressing out 
Feeling frazzled and frantic? Increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol, a result of chronic worry, lead to excess stomach fat, research shows. To de-stress and weigh much less, learn to breathe. When you're on edge (or feel like you're about to be), slowly inhale through your nose, counting to four. Then exhale from your mouth for a count of eight. Repeat until refreshed.

Diving into that darn bread basket! 
Those fluffy white rolls? They're your flat-ab foe! When staring down a breadbasket, check its contents before digging in. If you see whole grains, go for it—in fact, feel free to enjoy 3 ounces a day. (One slice of whole-wheat bread or 1/2 cup ofcooked brown rice are each 1 ounce.) Dieters who did so lost more stomach fatthan those who merely cut calories and ate refined grains, a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals.

Munching late-night 
I like dessert as much as the next gal, but if you're trying to tighten up your tummy, it's best to pass up that scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream and all other P.M. snacks. Your body may not burn nighttime nibbles as efficiently as it does those you eat during the day, a study of high-fat diets in the journal Obesity finds. Declare "last call" two hours before bed. "If you're really hungry, have a 150-calorie snack," says SELF contributing expert Janis Jibrin, R.D. If not, sip tea, cut the lights and bid farewell to the fridge until morning.
For the ultimate guide to fat-burning foods and moves check out the Jumpstart Diet.

Friday, February 18, 2011

mangsa liwat tapi cam mana ada air mani diri sendiri?

hmm...cemana orang yang kena liwat tapi kuar air mani. senang citer mangsa liwat kuar air mani. hmm tak paham.. maknenyer..mangsa sama2 stim? ni cerita kat afrika ni tak der kene mengena mana2 kes mahkamah. tadi baru baca berita paling boleh percaya kat malaysia ni ceria pasal kes kat negara mana tah. bole bayang tak? haha...wekkk!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

bank kena tipu! tipu lagi!

Bank ditipu RM19 juta

* Sebuah bank tempatan rugi RM19 juta setelah menyerahkan wang pinjaman kepada dua syarikat yang kononnya mahu membekalkan alat ganti pesawat MiG-29N milik Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM).
* Sumber berkata, dua syarikat terbabit sebelum ini mengemukakan permohonan pinjaman korporat kepada bank itu dan pihak bank tiada masalah meluluskan pinjaman setelah yakin dengan maklumat dan dokumen yang ditunjukkan oleh syarikat berkenaan.
* Katanya, setelah melalui beberapa proses, wang pinjaman berjumlah RM19 juta diserahkan kepada syarikat tersebut.
* Pihak bank menyedari ditipu apabila pemeriksaan di premis yang didakwa pejabat syarikat terbabit sebenarnya tidak wujud. Malah mereka juga gagal mengesan atau menghubungi individu yang berurusan membuat pinjaman.
Berita lanjut, sila rujuk edisi cetakan Utusan Malaysia atau langgani e-Paper di

-huh...dokumen apa depa bagi sampai bank bole tertipu tu..

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Air suam + ais kosong = 80 sen

gila!segelas ayaq suam ngan aih(ais) kosong lapan kupang! mungkin ni la maksud  negara berpendapatan tinggi ni. kesan kecil inflasi makanan.

Kesan kecil inflasi makanan

KUALA LUMPUR 20 Feb. - Malaysia tidak perlu gusar mengenai inflasi makanan yang dikatakan akan melanda dunia berikutan kekurangan bekalan, sekali gus melonjakkan harga barangan.
Ketua Ahli Ekonomi Kumpulan RAM Holdings Bhd., Dr. Yeah Kim Leng berkata, sebagai sebuah negara membangun, impak yang menimpa Malaysia dijangka tidak ketara berbanding negara-negara miskin.
Ini kerana kerajaan masih mampu untuk menambah subsidi makanan bagi menyerap sebarang kenaikan harga.
"Memang diakui terdapat krisis bekalan makanan kerana pelbagai faktor antaranya perubahan iklim mendadak selain kekurangan (bilangan) negara yang menjadi pengeluar sumber pertanian," katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia baru-baru ini.
Jelas Kim Leng, kerajaan dijangka bersedia menambah subsidi makanan dalam usaha memastikan bekalan sentiasa mencukupi dan tidak membebankan rakyat.
"Walaupun pertambahan subsidi akan memanjangkan tempoh defisit perbelanjaan kerajaan, namun kami yakin kerajaan akan bersedia kerana tidak mahu membebankan rakyat," tambah beliau lagi .
Malah, pelaksanaan harga barangan kawalan juga dilihat mampu menyekat kenaikan harga makanan secara keterlaluan.
"Apa yang diperlukan adalah penguatkuasaan bagi memastikan tidak ada aktiviti pengambilan untung secara berlebihan," katanya.
Menurut Kim Leng, peningkatan eksport komoditi seperti minyak, getah dan kelapa sawit ketika ini akan menambahkan pendapatan kerajaan, sekali gus mampu menyeimbangkan beban subsidi kerajaan.
"Pendapatan kerajaan akan bertambah kerana eksport komoditi meningkat namun perbelanjaan untuk menambah subsidi akan memanjangkan tempoh belanjawan defisit.
"Tetapi Malaysia beruntung kerana masih mempunyai kapasiti untuk mengekang inflasi makanan," tambah beliau lagi.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Magazines Download - All in PDF | automatic search engine for PDF files. Find your magazine, everyday!

Magazines Download - All in PDF | automatic search engine for PDF files. Find your magazine, everyday!

Babytalk - March 2011

12 February 2011 20:42

English | PDF | 77 pages | 26.9Mb

The free monthly publication of Babytalk aims to help new mothers trust their maternal instincts with "straight talk" from experts and real moms. [More]
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Friday, February 11, 2011

Magazines Download - All in PDF | Harvard Business Review - November 2010

Magazines Download - All in PDF | Harvard Business Review - November 2010

Harvard Business Review - November 2010

26 October 2010 09:16

English | PDF | 157 pages | 51.5Mb

Harvard Business Review is the magazine for decision-makers. It's where global business leaders turn for ideas and inspiration. With cutting-edge articles from industry experts, Harvard Business Review is an unrivaled source for leadership and management tools and techniques that are critical to success and survival in today's business arena around the world.

Magazines Download - All in PDF | Flash Essentials

Magazines Download - All in PDF | Flash Essentials

Flash Essentials - 2010

7 August 2010 09:39

English | PDF | 227 pages | 81.6Mb

This 224-page special provides everything web builders need to improve their skills [More]

Currently rated 3.7 by 3 people

    Sunday, February 6, 2011

    cantuman bunga kertas

    da lama cari.jumpa kat forum cari..
    nie caranya ...

    selamat mencuba ...
    Syukur atas NikmatMU Ya Allah.

    Thursday, February 3, 2011


    Organisasi U.S Consumer Product Safety Commision  di Amerika Syarikat dengan kerjasama syarikat LaJobiInc- New Jersey  telah menarik balik sebanyak 217000 katil bayi dari pasaran.

    Katil bayi tersebut dikatakan boleh patah dan bayi dalam katil tersebut boleh terjatuh dan tercedera.  Apabila katil tersebut patah di tepi, jarak diantara batang kayu tersebut boleh menyebabkan kepala atau leher bayi yang bergerak tersangkut dan ia boleh mengakibatkan bayi tersebut tercekik.
    Katil ini diperbuat dari negara China dan Vietnam dan telah dijual  secara meluas di pasaran Amerika Syarikat. Pengguna- pengguna di Malaysia harus peka dan ber perhatian apabila hendak membeli katil untuk bayi. Anda dinasihatkan agar berhati- hati apabila hendak membeli barangan tersebut dan jika terdapat label LaJobi, elakkan dari membeli.

    Mohana Priya
    Persatuan Pengguna- Pengguna Standard Malaysia

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    Your New Smartphone Is Already a Dinosaur

    Your New Smartphone Is Already a Dinosaur

    by David Goldman
    Monday, January 31, 2011
    Smartphones are continually outdueling one another in terms of performance, and they're coming to market at a breakneck speed.
    For instance, if you picked up the Motorola Droid when it went on sale in November 2009, you had the best Android device on the market. But then the twice-as-fast Nexus One went on sale in January 2010. Then the HTC Droid Incredible hit the market in April. Then in June, the Evo 4G put the Droid Incredible to shame. The Samsung Galaxy S came out later that month. Then the Nexus S ... You get the point.
    More from 

    • Your smartphone will run your life 

    • Smartphones: Our national obsession 

    • Here comes the drivable iPhone
    The average time smartphones spend on the market is now just six to nine months, according to HTC. But it wasn't always this way: Average shelf time was about three years prior to 2007, HTC estimates.
    "It used to be that we planned phones' obsolescence," said Keith Novak, spokesman for HTC. "Now consumers want more power and faster phones. With increased competition, there's a more pressing reason for shorter lifecycles."
    Before Apple debuted the iPhone, the hottest selling handset on the market was the Motorola RAZR, which held that position for five years. Five years! Could you imagine anyone buying an original iPhone today -- a phone that debuted less than four years ago? That hunk of junk didn't even have 3G. Or apps.
    The pace of smartphone innovation has ramped up to ludicrous speed and mobile competition has gone cutthroat thanks to two key factors: The rise of Google's Android operating system and the predominance of Qualcomm processors.
    The way it was: Just a few years ago, mobile phone makers had to design their devices through and through: The hardware, operating system, chipset and design were all made by LG, HTC, Samsung, Motorola, and their rivals.
    All that time and effort meant phones took a long time to get to market, and they needed to stay there for years to make back all the investment that went into designing the device.
    The way it is now: But then along came Android, an open source, free-to-license OS. The availability of Android means device manufacturers can just load the ready-made software onto their phones instead of paying a team of engineers to develop a proprietary OS. And they can customize it as much as they like.
    "The beauty of Android is that it's completely open," said Marcelo Claure, CEO of Brightstar, a global mobile phone distributor. "All the equipment manufacturer has to do is slap a skin on top of it and market the phone."
    It's not just the software that's prepackaged: Smartphone chipsets are coming ready-made as well.
    Seeing the opportunity created by Android, Qualcomm quickly jumped on board and began to make smartphone chips that are specifically optimized for Google's OS and apps. Instead of designing their own chips, manufacturers like LG, Motorola and HTC now simply use Qualcomm's.
    "What we deliver to the manufacturer allows them to spend their resources in a different way, instead of reinventing the plumbing of each phone," said Jason Bremner, product manager of Qualcomm's CDMA Technologies.
    The Qualcomm/Android ("Quadroid") standard that has developed over the past couple of years has freed up smartphone manufacturers to focus most of their attention on marketing and making their devices thinner, sleeker and higher-functioning than competitors'.
    As a result, smartphone manufacturing cycles have doubled in speed in the past two years to just over four months, according to industry consultancy PRTM.
    That means device makers can churn out smartphones at an incredibly rapid pace, taking the handsets from concept to store shelves in a relative blink of an eye.
    Android's law: We're calling this new trend "Android's law." It's similar to Moore's law, the 1965 paper by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, which observed a trend that has held true for more than five decades: Microchip manufacturers can double the number of components on a piece of silicon every two years.
    Though we're not making any technical predictions, the introduction of the Quadroid standard has turned the wireless market on its head -- and this new trend is likely to continue for years to come.
    Android's law has allowed new, previously unknown competitors like ZTE to double its market share and become the fourth-largest mobile phone vendor in the world. It has led to the quadrupling of phone processor speeds over the past year. And it's helped Google's mobile operating system go from zero to 300,000 activations a day on more than 100 phones in just 26 months.
    "We're seeing hundreds of new models -- it's crazy," said Will Stofega, analyst at IDC. "Since Android is free, these manufacturers are willing to take some chances. The need to come up with something that's going to stick and be a major player is intense."
    Analysts agree that the market cycle at some point will stop shortening because customers can't absorb new products so fast.
    But one lasting change is clear: It's not going back to the way it was.
    "This will keep going until phones become just thin slabs with a touch screen," said Soumen Ganguly, principal at Altman Vilandrie. "It will be just like the development of the PC industry -- everyone will keep trying to outdo one another to stay alive."